Monday, July 1, 2013

May and June 2013

Preston is now 8 months and weaned!! Brandon's mom and brother Jordan came to visit us for a couple weeks and in the process, Preston was weaned because I would take advantage of having a babysitter, more bottles, less me, and it just faded it out!

Bayer just turned three! I can't believe it! Bayer finally got ear tubes! Thank the Heavens for modern medicine! His speech has improved already in the 9 days he's had them in. He is such a good older brother, he has NEVER hit or tried to hurt Preston. He loves his baby. Bayer is really into baseball right now so that was the theme of his birthday party, although all we did was swim, slip n slide, and jump on the trampoline.

Brandon starts some of his summer classes today, back to the grind. He is doing great, he was called into Elders quorum.

Lu is hanging in there! haha! I'm doing great, I've lost 6 pounds since I've stopped nursing Preston and that is the most exciting news for any mom!

The summer has been EXTREMELY busy but EXTREMELY fun here! We have sooo many fun friends that love to hang out and be active. We spend our days going to the gym, swimming, and entertaining family.

My parents drove through Mississippi on their trek to Utah in their moving vans! It was a treat to see them, even if it was only for a couple of days.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

April thru May 2013

So Easter was a lot of fun we had a ward Easter Egg Hunt and the little kids searched inside. It was really fun because it was the first year Bayer actually "got it" and understood the concept of hunting for eggs. ;)

 Some random phone pics of the cute kiddos.
 Same ages.
 Bayer is in LOVE with baseball lately...he makes up pitch to him atleast three times a day outside.

 Love these sleep shots.

 Some of the girls I play soccer with! There are a lot more now's soo fun!

So a couple of the girls and I have started a Photography club, where we get together once a week and teach ourselves how to use our SLR cameras that our husbands have so graciously bought us. ;) It's been super helpful! We bought this online photography class together on groupon and so we have some scholastic element to the club as well!