Brandon and I have been dieting! We've also started P90x. I highly recommend it, it's sooo hard! It works your flabby booty (talking about mine in particular)(that sounded gross) out! So I've been looking up all these healthy recipes..I made this greek yogurt apple parfait! It was really good. Check out there are a lot of really good recipes here.
Can I vent about Tony Horton for a minute?! This man is re-dunk-u-lous. He is not human, there's no way. He must work out 3 p90x workouts a day. I feel fat when Tony stares into the camera. I worked out in my bra and some work out crop pants but after the second day I just had to start wearing a shirt. My stomach rolls were getting chilly....from Tony's ice cold eyes and disappointment. I feel embarassed half of the time, if Tony could only see my version of "form."
I've never been much of a dancer and you couldn't call me graceful in the least bit. Athletic? Yes. Coordinated? Probably. Strong? MAYBE BEFORE I PUSHED OUT A 10 POUND BABY! All I can say is I look pretty pathetic while doing p90x and its hilarious when I look back in the mirror opposite of my TV. Tony has me jumping and twirling and literally running around in circles (in Pylometrics), while I stomp, stumble, and fumble my way around the living room.
Regardless,Tony's perfect body and all his corny little perfect friends' bodies make me inspired to loose some poundage. Which is why I bought the dang set of DVD's right?! Bring it!
you are AWESOME! P90X is HARD HARD HARD... ya I did it... I call it P3X... I did it for 3 days bhahah. I want to do it again though...I dunno about you but its so hard to be patient while this preggo weight slowly-slowly-slowly comes off while we work oh so hard to get rid of it! You crack me up about ur rolls getting chilly and stuff haha.
Love to read your blog!
hahaha. this post is funny. I tried to do a turbo kick box video in my apartment the other day just wearing a sports bra and i was so grossed out with myself ..had to put a shirt on.
i bought zumba. its super fun but my hips don't move like the latin girls. i am so uncoordinated and fat. i wish we could work out together. keep up the good work. love ya
Amen. I love/hate Tony. He is a robot that makes your self confidence plummit while inspiring you to push so hard you almost vomit and pass out (me last week :) You better believe I'm "bringing it!"
Ha ha ha! Oh Tony. I can't imagine doing p90x with a mirror behind me...that would NOT be pretty! Thanks for the visual. I don't mind Tony so much, but I can't stand the black dude that's in the abs video. He is RIDICULOUS!
This makes me laugh, I think everyone feels this way. When I do my P90X, I have to keep the shirt on. Keep up the great work, you'll love the results....
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