Saturday, January 10, 2009

School is back in session!

This was the first week of school for USF, it was really good to be back on a routine, but at the same time a little hectic and stressful.

For example, on Monday morning, I looked at my phone during class and found 8 text messages from Bran. I immediately got scared and thought, "oh no" turns out Brandon's expensive laptop crashed! He tried everything he could to save it, knowing he would HAVE to get a new computer within the next day b/c we both take online classes at different campuses....blah, blah, needless to say we bought a new macbook pro----its amazing and we dont have the money really, but we did it anyways....its amazing.

We both have about a year and a half of school left. Brandon is a biology major with the hopes of going to dental school in the future. I am a graphic design major, i decided to put up a couple of the pieces that i made last semester... I would put up some of brandon's charts that he has to memorize but didn't think i'd get many comments on offense bran

For this assignment we had to find relationships between architecture and humans, add text and create a poster.

These were two posters we designed, then had to turn into flash movies.


Suzanne said...

These are ridiculously awesome!! I LOVE the socks/lighthouse one - I couldn't stop looking at it! I'll call you later!

LanceandNance said...

You freakin' made those! I can't even imagine how to start to make a video like that. Cool. You guys are the cutest newlyweds ever. Good luck in school. Education is power. I'm cheesy.


Courtney and Nate said...

When are we starting a business again? You're awesome!

Sara said...

llllove you lllola. Miss ya.

Super B said...

wow. amazing!!
ditto to what suzanne and nancy said. you are awesome and stuff.

Sam and Jackie Chapman said...

You let us know time and a date and we'll be there!

Jenny said...

I'm so sad I missed your talks...I'm sure they were awesome. We need to get together when I get back...and you need to teach us how to use our MAC!! We've had it for months and it barely gets used...sad!!