Monday, February 15, 2010

Proud of myself

Lately I've been coming back to life and it feels great! Why am I so proud of myself? Well, ladies and gents--here's my list!

-I cooked dinner two nights in a row! (steak both times :))
-I did my homework the DAY BEFORE it was due, not the hour before class!
-I went to church all three hours this past Sunday
-I've been editing on our wedding flowers business website (check it out... and make comments on the blog please)
-I made an effort for Valentines day
-I'm not so bitter when I see non-pregnant people exercising, which is hard when you live next to the Suncoast trail...
-I'm seeing my best friend this weekend
-Brandon and I are moving into a two bedroom apartment!
-I don't throw up everyday!
-I don't live in fear of throwing up 24-7
-I don't have to change the channel everytime a food commercial comes on, only sometimes
-I feel happier because I'm healthier and that is priceless.


Courtney Bartlett Morris said...

haha YESS!! happy for you:) love you

Sara said...

Glad you are feeling betterrrr

Whittney and Ryan said...

yaya so happy you are feeling better! and exciting about the new apt!

Unknown said...

You know you've arrived when you don't have to change the channel as food commercials come on. That's the "I've made it through the gauntlet" point! You definitely captured the way it feels to pull out of "dickson" pregnancy-sickness. All the rest is cake...

Unknown said...

ps. I love you and am so proud of you! It's totally worth it, by the way :)